God, almighty Father
I come to You in prayer today for forgiveness, for reconciliation, for restoration and to be set free.
Oh merciful Father God please bend down and lend me Your ear; see the suffering within my heart, look into my heart and see the belief and hope I hold onto of the reconciliation, salvation and freedom I believe You have provided for me based on Your promises in Your Word.
Please Lord hear my earnest prayer.
Lord, I'm trapped, I'm empty, I'm lifeless and I'm filled with shame.
I feel burdened, weighed down and tightly bonded.
Every direction that I turn to I feel conflicted, confused, paralyzed and unable to make decisions.
I know what is right in Your sight and that obedience to You and faith in You leads to the path of life but I'm disconnected from my present life and I'm disconnected from You.
I compulsively hold onto the wrongs of the past that have been done to me or that I have done to others; I say I have forgiven others and I say I have forgiven myself but I don't feel the forgiveness within my heart.
I'm obsessively ashamed, embarrassed and consumed by my own guilt for the hurt and wrongs I have done to You and to others.
I'm tightly bonded in my sin. I feel like I'm suffocating.
My actions, my intentions, my discontent, my envy, my worldly desires have left me desolate, empty, consumed, ill and weighed down.
I'm guilty of breaking Your laws Lord.
I'm guilty of not loving thy neighbor as I do myself.
I'm guilty of various ill intentions and discontentment's deep within my heart.
I'm guilty of hardening my heart towards You Lord when I haven't received what I have prayed for.
I'm guilty of breaking Your commandments.
I'm guilty of prioritizing my own will over Yours.
I have hurt many people, lied to many people, used many people, chased after worldly gains.
I have used ill motives to gain what I need, I have regrettably sinned against you Lord and I have regrettably sinned against my fellow brothers and sisters.
I have dishonored You and I have hurt You.
I know Your Word in my heart. I have turned my life from Your truth and righteousness and I have regrettably chosen the path of the evil one. I was born into sin and I am saved by Jesus Christ.
I have turned from Your truth to the ways of the world and I have gotten trapped.
By Your mercy and grace Lord, I'm so deeply sorry. Please forgive me.
I deeply know that You exist. I see Your existence in your creation. By the natural conscience of right and wrong in my heart I know that You exist.
I have tried in my own ability to right my wrongs, to take accountability for my wrongs, accept my consequences, ask for forgiveness from those I have hurt and done wrong to, to forgive all those who have hurt me but I'm still harboring discontent in my heart, I still feel lifeless.
For it is written in your Word: "For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins."
Please Lord help me to forgive from my heart so that as it is written in Your word You will forgive me.
Help me to be kind and compassionate to everyone.
Fill my heart and spirit with forgiveness.
Lord please have mercy on me as I confess my sins to You for as it is written in your word: "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."
Bring me to life , resuscitate me, purify me from all unrighteousness, forgive me for my selfishness, for my bitterness and for my evil ways.
Forgive me Father God for sinning against You.
I am regrettably sorry for my sins.
By your mercy, please accept my prayer of repentance and refresh me, my life and my heart.
Bring me to life in the embodiment of Christ.
Bestow Your Holy Spirit upon me.
Raise Your kingdom up in my heart and purify me Lord.
By the power of the blood of Jesus Christ forgive me and release me from my bondage of sin.
By the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, set me free from the slavery of my evil ways.
God, almighty Father
I praise You and I thank You for Your grace, glory and mercy and I thank You from the heart of my hearts for the absolutely magnificent and very best gift you have given me: Jesus Christ.
"In Him I have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of all sins in accordance with the riches of Your grace".
Glory, glory hallelujah to You for Your holiness Father God.
Glory, glory hallelujah to You for Your mercy and perfect love.
Glory, glory hallelujah to You for Your forgiveness.
Lord strengthen me in You so I will overcome the temptations of this world; the temptations of sin.
Lord let every thought and every action I do going forward be out of unconditional love, obedience and complete faith all to glorify God our Father.
Lord thank You for setting me free from my sin, for restoring me, for bringing me back to life, for renewing me in You.
Lord thank You for forgiving me.
Guide me daily by the power of Your Holy Spirit so that all I do is right in the sight of God our Father.
So be it Your Will, I pray this to You in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Your son and my savior. Amen.